Sunday, July 13, 2008


So, here it is - the inaugural post for my new photo blog; yet another in a long line of sites that I start & then life gets in the way &, well...

Anyway, I intend for this to be a visual representation of the life that goes on around me, rather than my witty, oh-so-funny verbal interpretation on my other site. As this site hopefully won't require too much thinking other than how to load the picture & center it properly, I might, just maybe, find myself posting more.

Or, I'll forget about the site & let it become a tumbleweed infested eyesore. Whatever.

First pic, weeds, taken somewhere up in the hills during my Death Hike. I likes to takes the pix of plants:

Here we have - more weeds. Mustard, to be exact. I took this at the old Air Force base I was stationed at:

Gee. More flowers. These are actually flowers, though, not weeds. Daisys, planted outside of my town's city hall:

Last up - not a plant, but a peach tree! In full bloom, no less! I took this photo earlier in the spring this year from the window of our apartment. The fuzzy effect was quite accidental; I took the picture through the screen part of the window, giving it a cool look:

So, there you have it; my initial foray into the world of photobloggery (don't I sound so cool?). Let me know what you think. If it looks like there's enough interest, I'll keep the pix coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said... many more